Reading a story, fiction, or novel

Immerse Yourself

immerse yourself
Ideally, you read it in total immersion.
It often means in the shortest time.
... movies 
Like it is preferable to watch a movie in one session,
you will enjoy it more.
The same goes for reading a book.

Help your imagination
Your imagination will work better
if you don't forget what you previously read.
Spread over a long period,
and you will forget and lose some feelings about it.
You still might appreciate and enjoy the book.

But if you want to maximize the immersion,
do your best to read it quickly.

That is why sometimes
when you have too much time between sessions,
you feel like you are losing some aspect of the plot
and feel a little lost or
you have some difficulties getting back in.
Don't overdo it
That said, don't confuse doing your best to read it quickly
and read too fast.
Do not push yourself.
You read to enjoy.

Also, stopping at a sentence because you want to savor,
makes you think, enjoy the moment,
don't kill because of the suggestion above.

Aim for pleasure,
not perfection.
Make the best of the above suggestion, but nothing is perfect.
Comfort and pleasure are your aims.

You will enjoy it more if you read it in less time.
So please do your best without transforming it into an obligation.
#novel  #fiction  #immersion #havefun ©  2016-2023 All Rights Reserved

Velocity: the direction and the speed.
Reading: getting information through the written words.
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