Reading Faster and Better is a

Career Competitive Skill

It threatens your confidence.

You know you have exposure ...
Here is a typical example that happens every day ...

Christopher, a marketing executive,
is preparing for a crucial meeting.

He is excited about presenting his ideas, 
but at the same time, he feels intimidated by 
the Vice President of finance,
who is a well-respected expert in the field. 

The reason is that the purpose of the meeting is 
to present and get Christopher's approval of a budget.
Christopher believes it is crucial  
to growing the Company's market share.

His discomfort is twofold. 

First, a lot of his colleagues count on him to get this move forward.
Second, finance is often his weak spot. 
He understands logistics and laws very well,
having learned a lot about these at his previous employers. 
But finance ...

As he enters the conference room, 
Christopher feels a knot in his stomach, 
and he realizes that he is not alone in feeling nervous 
- other colleagues from different departments 
are also feeling overwhelmed. 
They fear the same and know Christopher is worried.

The agenda of the meeting is a review of the financial reports first.
The discomfort builds up ...
The meeting begins, and the VP of finance takes over. 

He presents the financial reports and uses technical terms 
that the others in the room don't always fully understand. 
Christopher knowing he is following, tries to contribute 
knowing that could help get the same support in returns 
later on in the meeting. 

But he feels like his voice is rarely heard 
and it affects his confidence, 
which will not help
when it is his time to speak of his project.

The VP's dominance in the conversation and his use of jargon 
makes Christopher feel inadequate, nervous, and anxious. 
The meeting continues, and 
Christopher feels more and more frustrated and demotivated.

By now, you know that his presentation was challenging. 

Even though the management approved the first step of his project, 
he felt exhausted, and it wasn't a great moment. 
He got something but is almost certain 
he would have obtained more latitude 
if he were better at handling the financial aspects 
of these meetings.


Do you feel overwhelmed and intimidated?
Christopher's situation is not uncommon

We feel overwhelmed and intimidated
when having to discuss matters, we don't master.
It is especially true when we are in a room with individuals
who have a deep understanding of the subject and the jargon, 
like the Vice President of finance in the above case.

Our discomfort in these meetings might manifest in several ways.

 For instance, we might feel:

 • Inadequate and unqualified
    Like VP's expertise and confidence
    might make us feel like we don't belong,
    or that our contributions are not valuable.

 • Nervous and anxious:
    The pressure of presenting ideas in front of people
    who are knowledgeable about critical aspects might make
    us feel nervous and anxious.
 • Silenced and marginalized
    Like Christopher, we might feel like our voice is not heard.
    We keep from speaking up
    because of someone else dominance in the conversation.
 • Frustrated and demotivated 
    The lack of recognition from the rest of the team
    might make you feel frustrated and demotivated, 
    which could ultimately affect your performance and 
    confidence in the long run.

Solutions don't fit your values ...

Enrolling in a course ...
If it is the case. If it happens often. If it jeopardizes your career. If it affects your department's performance, the people look up to you. It would help if you did something about it.

In your head, the solution might be to follow finance courses.

But the problem is that it doesn't take into account that
you already spend a lot of time working. 

You have two kids, 8 and 11. You already feel you aren't with them enough.
You don't want to miss the last turn before they become advanced teens 
and rely primarily on their friends instead.

Reading and Online Videos

A lot of options to learn ...
Today, it is easy to start learning a subject just by browsing the Internet and watching videos on platforms like YouTube.

What you need to do is plan to get started.

There are two ways you can do that. 

Start with what you already know and search for what more you need to learn related to what you know.

The alternative is to search for how to learn finance example. The answers will give you a plan. Finally, an option is to search for a book on understanding finance. The Table of Contents is a great way to get yourself a list of subjects. 

Choosing the suggested content from a book will quickly provide you with a specific plan of action.

Then you may start browsing the Internet and watching videos.

You will probably quickly discover that the Internet is somewhat disorganized, and you must go through many sites to gather information. As for videos, you need to watch hours to pick, often not that much, as you become more knowledgeable about the subject.  
That is where reading can do miracles ...
Suppose you select books closely related to what you want to research. You will learn much faster if you choose books that deeply cover the subject.  

The book provides, for a fraction of the cost of learning from or meeting the author, a lot of content, usually of more excellent quality than what you find online. 

It is easier to gather more form books because:

Books often provide in-depth analysis and explanation of a topic, allowing readers to understand the subject matter more deeply. Online often, the videos available are to attract you and interest you to register for a webinar, a course, or ... buy a book. The end of the video isn't to share with you deep knowledge but to get you interested in acquiring that deep knowledge in exchange for a subscription or a purchase. It is understandable since living without compensation for their time writing or registering for videos would be impossible. 

It is one way to do it if you can afford the time and the price of courses. The great advantage of books is that you can buy many of the costs of just one class. Learn through these books much faster than all the hours to watch the videos. You can skip whatever you feel is not essential in a book. In a video, it is much more difficult because you can't browse it in advance and often have to watch it to realize, in the end, it didn't give you much. You don't have to read the parts of the book that you don't need. You can read 4 or 5 books simultaneously to cover a subject well.

As the brain must process and store information meaningfully, reading books is considered more effective in increasing the long-term retention of information.
Greater knowledge will
solve the problem
significantly increase your confidence
and will
get you more respect from your peers.
The additional expertise acquired can help someone feel more meaningful by providing them with knowledge and understanding of various topics, which can boost their confidence and self-esteem. 

It would be reasonably easy for Christopher to establish the vocabulary he needs to learn and develop a plan of the most critical financial and accounting concepts related to his context.

From there, he could design a plan to learn what he needs to know. 

He can assess what he knows and build by adding knowledge to what he already knows to quickly and easily become more fluent in finance. If this knowledge is fundamental, some books and videos can help him greatly. 

Then, he can study further the material where his knowledge is beyond the basics. It is where reading will significantly help him. He can buy or get many books to read from a library and parts that concern him. It is usually almost impossible to find videos that go that deep. Also, with minimal reading and learning techniques, you can go through many books much faster than videos, which imposes the unfolding of its content.
There are even side benefits
what you try to accomplish
When someone reads, they learn new ideas and perspectives, which can broaden their understanding of the world and their place in it. It can lead to a greater appreciation of their thoughts and opinions, making them feel more valuable and important. Additionally, reading can provide a sense of accomplishment, enhancing feelings of self-importance. 

By reading, individuals can gain a sense of mastery over the material they are reading. Usually, the additional connections with your knowledge about your expertise become something that those who were intimidating you don't have ... Think about that ...

#Reading  #deepknowledge  #skillingup #confidence

Velocity Reading

Read better (and faster)
This is no ordinary book. It is a book to read better and faster other books. ©  2016-2023 All Rights Reserved

Velocity: the direction and the speed.
Reading: getting information through the written words.
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